
Our partners

SmartDutch Travelmarketing has a intensive network within the Dutch travel- and aviation industry. Since the start of our operation we have a close cooperation with several highly respected partners within these industries. As part of this cooperation we have excellent partnerships with Dutch travel publishers and companies active in other segments of (multi)media. With some of them we even have exclusive sales agreements. You will also benefit from our cooperation partners. Mutually we have the opportunity to offer you an excellent platform to communicate your message to your selective target groups.

SmartDutch Travelmarketing currently works together with the following (travel)media partners and publishers:

– d’Orizon Media: publisher of the glossy travel magazines Meridian Travel, the website and social media channels.
– Hillenaar Outdoor: provider of out of home advertising opportunities like billboards, highway signs and digital screens.
– gumgum: (targeted) online banner campaigns, offering the opportunity to advertise directly in your target group. Low investment, high outcome.
– TravMagazine: the largest travel trade magazine in The Netherlands.
– CS Digital Media: provider of out of home advertising opportunities like billboards, highway signs and digital screens. Amongst other in the Amsterdam Metro system.
– TravelPro: THE trade magazine for the Dutch travel industry. Published every other week. Both in print and online.